
Our firm is a member of CECCAR, the founding members are registered in the CCF, we collaborate with and have the support of a team of experienced lawyers and attorneys.


Trade Register

Human Resources

Legal & Administrative



Financial accounting

Chronological recording of on the basis of primary documents

Preparation of the monthly trial balance, journal register, inventory register, VAT journals and general ledger

Preparation and submission of periodic tax returns, VAT returns, information returns, 100 returns, wage returns, local tax returns

Half-yearly and annual reports

Preparation of the balance sheet

Adjustment of the record sheets per payer and obtaining tax certificates

Audit assistance

Assistance with tax audits by state bodies

Calculation of payment obligations to the State Budget (corporate income tax, income tax, dividends, etc.) and preparation of related payment orders

Management accounting



Accounting advice

Accounting for European projects

EU funds project implementation consultancy

Certification of the balance sheet

Preparation of tender dossiers, certificates and eligibility letters

Tax advice

General tax consultancy services

Assistance and drafting of appeals in various disputes with ANAF, banks or partners

Obtaining a VAT code

Obtaining EORI code

Registration as a payer of excise duties

Business consulting

Choosing the most appropriate form of organisation for your business

Business management

Budgeting and investment appraisal

Tax forecasts and legislative changes



Reactivation of an SRL at ANAF

If you have received a letter from ANAF at your registered office with the title: "Inactivity Declaration Decision"the reasons can be any of the following (cf. art. 92 of the Tax Procedure Code):

- expiry of the validity of the registered office

- expiry of the term of office of all directors

- the company has been voluntarily suspended at the Trade Register Office(this is the simplest cause of inactivity and does not need to be corrected unless the resumption of activity is declared to the CRO)

- failure to submit tax returns to ANAF

- non-payment of taxes and duties to the State Budget.

How can we find out if a company has been declared inactive by ANAF?

By going to this link:

The immediate effects of inactivation are as follows:

- the company is no longer entitled to earn income from the date it is declared inactive until the date it is reactivated

- the company's VAT registration certificate has been cancelled(from that moment on, VAT cannot be charged on goods sold or services rendered)

- facts are entered in the tax records of the company's administrators(from that moment they lose their status as partners and/or administrators in an LLC)

- in some cases, the sanction of seizure of the bank accounts of the LLC is applied.

Thus, if you want to start the reactivation procedure with ANAF and whatever the cause of this sanction, ANAF officials will check all these potential causes for declaring your company inactive, before issuing Reactivation Decision.



Civil law

Civil legal advisory services, real estate claim services, inheritance, misdemeanours, evictions, debt recovery, inheritance, evictions, foreclosures

Criminal law

Legal assistance, representation in case of criminal prosecution for offences, drafting of complaints, denunciations, memorials, provisional release, rehabilitation, appeals

Administrative law

Legal advice and drafting of preliminary requests and complaints of any kind, representation before trade unions and courts

Commercial law

Debt recovery consultancy services - foreclosure, obtaining operating permits, setting up companies, dissolution, liquidation, bankruptcy

Company law

Legal advice, commercial contracts - drafting and certification, assistance in negotiating contracts and transactions, debt recovery - enforcement, authorizations

Obtaining citizenship

Legal advice, drafting and filing of documents with the relevant authorities, certified translations and notarizations on behalf of the client

Tax law

Permanent assistance and representation before the Tax Office, the Financial Guard, the Public Finance Department and the Local Financial Administration, VAT advice

Family law

Legal advice, drafting and legal assistance, representation in divorce proceedings, partition, maintenance, custody of children for upbringing and education

Visas and permits

Long-stay visa for employment, commercial activities, family reunification, studies, residence in Romania

Associations, Foundations, Trade Unions

Establishment of associations and foundations, trade unions, federations, obtaining trade union representativeness, amendment of constitutive acts, drafting of additional acts

Credit Bureau

Permanent removal from the Credit Bureau database

Quick bank loans

Free on-site consultation





Company establishment

Establishment of an LLC

Establishment SA

Establishment of a company SRL-D

Establishment of PFA

Setting up a sole proprietorship

Establishment of Family Business

Headquarters hosting

Dissolution of the company

Dissolution of the company

Cancellation of the company SRL

PFA / I.I. / I.F. registration

Modify acts

Disposal of shares

Increase of share capital

Reduction of share capital

Change of legal form

Change of registered office address

Co-opting a new associate

Withdrawal of an associate from the firm

Establishment / closure of workplaces

Change of company administrator

Suspension of the company's activity

Resumption of suspended company activity

Change of activity

Extension of the company's duration

Extension of the validity of the registered office



Human Resources

Personnel files

Drawing up individual employment contracts

Post sheets

Family doctor's certificate or proof of employment

Additional acts

Termination decisions, winding-up notices, seniority certificates

REVISAL management

Salary calculation


Sick leave recovery file

Collective labour agreements

Rules of procedure

Assistance in mediating labour disputes

Representation in case of labour inspection or disputes

Relationship with the Territorial Labour Inspectorate

Filing a 112 declaration

Preparation and submission of payment slips and the single 112 declaration on social contributions and income tax obligations

Loading individual cards and ordering meal vouchers

Advice on organisation (organisation charts, structures, functions, etc.)

Reorganisation and restructuring of the financial accounting department




Operating permits, PSI, ISU, Labour Protection, Environment

Preparation of technical memorandum, working methodology for obtaining authorisations

GDPR consulting and implementation - solutions on GDPR compliance measures

Audit, Training, DPIA analysis

Registered trademark, patents, intellectual property, OSIM

Procurement consultancy services to both public authorities and economic operators

SSM and Emergency Situations online/offline training

Representation at the control

RSVTI documentation

Checking and authorisation of personnel and work equipment

Environmental protection

Waste management register


Submission of packaging declarations

Obtaining environmental permits

PRAM measurements

Training employees on electrocution hazards

We carry out PRAM verification procedures